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发表于 2011-9-23 11:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies supports Red Cross Societies in the East Asia Region on communications both about their disaster response and preparedness activities and their wider, more development-oriented work.
6 W9 d' Y2 r; U7 a6 d0 {$ h9 [) Q$ c
- h. ?  m& L) r* z- _
2 ]9 q4 g0 ?& `# Q; FVisibility is a key goal, along with capacity-building in communications, both aimed at the general public and at project beneficiaries.
2 g& \7 t* D$ j' y; L3 J2 s+ Y1 E+ \8 D

4 o4 g: u- ]$ p& FThe International Federation in many cases helps to channel information to international media about the activiities of National Societies in the region.
5 u: y& a- x  d! F. p! Z  q: ~9 r5 c4 W7 I
: S) B6 X7 d; @5 H9 o1 m1 @
Organization: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (Hereafter " Federation" ) East
% _5 _( z% a8 ~: [0 b* w$ A# }6 @& p

: e6 Q3 P  s, R' g1 |Asia Regional Delegation, M2 [/ ]" e& {2 X: w. S4 E

3 Y- y. a: d8 U- ]# q. |
- x3 o0 w$ A, q% _7 qApplication Deadline: 2011-10-20
6 }5 V/ [/ h/ V' b8 ]3 D9 H6 g8 E3 \. H6 V4 C5 ?
. ^6 p1 c' ~* v& t' ]2 ^7 g4 V
Position: Regional Communications Officer4 n' A5 r+ U4 j4 @9 z( U5 \$ K9 v
. |% W$ l& f! o, @1 v, T
- G  y. x( F! G
Reports to: Regional Communications Delegate
; c- x0 h/ |/ Q
5 b- W, Q4 y2 H' c+ `
' A( O" q0 P4 y) W2 j" T8 ~4 {Location: Beijing
! `. @- C/ }* i0 ~% v! W9 V
% ?1 V6 }* k+ C% F* q
) h0 s' h, F5 g6 r- }Responsibilities:: v% t5 ~9 k0 a; b9 A% J3 G9 u8 x& n" a
# ?6 Q; c, X: B: n9 k6 l* d7 Z9 C! ~

0 `8 m. D* R& t. d' ?" g2 |Duties Applicable to All
/ ~& O3 X4 n" S: t6 Y4 V7 Y$ ?
- @; p5 n% ?4 ~1 j, S; x. ~5 U( ~- k* I! F, t/ v* M
1)     Work towards the achievement of the Federation's goals in the country/region through effective managerial and lateral relations and teamwork.
: g6 H; m6 B0 p  B' u& G3 n7 q' M! E

( J' X1 y) `) k. y9 x$ q2)     Ensure understanding of roles, responsibilities, lateral relationships and accountabilities.
7 H$ h! d9 F( j) o# {8 O# P6 D0 o8 Z; D  {) V2 q+ L' _, F) r* t

! N1 w0 K8 `  h0 p+ `' b3)     Perform other work related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the supervisor.2 o$ h+ |0 W! y! m0 Q+ S

' m- A) f% r6 x6 s# W4 `3 {+ I6 c# m! l  g6 F
Specific Duties, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
7 ?" ^/ X7 M( k+ p3 c3 t! A- T4 I! _  G. J# z" l9 G2 {& k9 [" z

" r( Y% T1 K% `& K+ R Tasks and duties include, but are not limited to the following key sectors:
1 ?5 }. P3 [2 h$ M- T: }5 P7 H: M. b

+ R* Q1 q! L- a9 v6 i7 iCommunications support
* L8 i* h2 s1 V5 g. ^# T5 G' C& A% i: e( Z! _; \

" Z6 s* g. }4 n+ }" A# M% U4 c1)     Support the Regional Communications Delegate across the full range of communications work in the East Asia Region.
4 A, v3 X+ q& N7 D% W  w" n$ n) ?' X" }: V
$ P. H5 k- `. N( Z# V
2)     Stand in for the Communications Delegate during periods of absence or deployment elsewhere, providing information and writing copy as required and engaging with media requests.
: j; |: ?% E+ ^' ?$ e
& q1 o& c+ b* t3 _
+ K- f( S0 F, @& V- v4 q3)     Play a key role in developing publicity materials providing information about IFRC and National Society activities in East Asia and organise events as required to publicise Red Cross Red Crescent work.! x1 u) j+ W/ Y. W9 d

" y8 C" b. R% ~% J
4 Y- S, d4 A( o, iSpecific activities include:
% G6 j1 U' A) Z* F. L1 u+ }) P/ z; N  ?0 T' F/ c
( [! }% z- E2 Y$ a5 S8 `
1)     Support Regional Communications Delegate in gathering information for web stories, press releases and publicity materials on Red Cross Red Crescent projects and activities.
) e$ l% x' i/ P4 D
6 x! v5 I8 {6 t. `" \) g4 a" X9 B0 E- r2 v! u. ]
2)     Write web stories, press releases and publicity materials as requested by Regional Communications Delegate and Zone Communications Manager.
% X* R  ?1 T$ }( r1 b0 e6 k" u+ s
% P( W  X, N5 b0 b6 V+ @0 w+ }/ P7 U* G3 S2 m% {
3)     Take part in field visits to Red Cross Red Crescent projects and activities as required. This includes familiarisation with the ongoing projects in Sichuan following the Wenchuan Earthquake.
9 t. `. _4 G7 @* ?5 [/ j% K1 K3 q1 `* s
" S% C8 [2 t+ A7 \: \
4)     Assist in taking and gathering photographs with proper captions and uploading and distributing to media and Red Cross Red Crescent outlets as required.- h# R' @: Q9 n8 D/ D; ~& Y
% p" z8 U2 r7 o4 o4 [

* b! J1 e8 `% p5 y! n5)     Shoot/produce or commission video and edit for distribution as required.
' \( ?6 i- X# @; D0 m0 O5 S( O4 j- V* c( F& t
, W7 Y' L* ?6 Y, k8 t$ k
6)     Support Regional Communications Delegate in planning and carrying out trainings for Regional Red Cross societies and other capacity building activities./ j  U# y; I2 _5 O* O
% L( N0 `+ U3 R: t

( k2 n+ [3 ?& S6 v3 M: U7)     Translate relevant Red Cross publicity and media material from Chinese to English and English to Chinese as required.
# D. l" b3 [, y9 Y
7 W" D! Y) a7 A: U* b2 n
8 g8 z( _5 h& Y, O; n/ j8)     Design publicity materials, PowerPoint presentations and other products as required.. z9 N: \/ w1 [+ h! c; f% n+ f
0 z8 d! H8 E4 J

. r  g. V* Z1 z( P2 T( ]2 b9)     Respond to media inquiries and pitch stories to media as required.4 K) w5 q( Q, {5 q
& w" T- y9 ~, @5 F

' z1 c0 _9 I$ i1 {( m; z2 B10)Organise and coordinate media events as required.- h8 E* |: I) v! x2 S
/ L9 k8 X/ q2 [  `" K2 t
2 M) {+ Z: M: n
11)Maintain contacts base of international and local media5 `3 F1 b7 D+ d6 X$ O9 U. r. V1 P
( F. Q+ v% g! m" h

- q, Z! [  B; O) I9 ?4 w' R  @12)Liaise with other departments in East Asia Delegation and National Societies in the East Asia Region to ensure updated information on projects and activities
6 b: D( @+ J. h/ ]8 w; p% Z, c7 N0 D$ ^. B. R; W

) k! z2 T) J7 `5 B# `13)Monitor local social media and give advice on positioning Red Cross in this arena- H3 `8 ?3 r$ l# z+ P2 F3 K

7 ]- M" b; P, o' R; L8 K$ U+ f) t+ B$ R& v& T+ |
Qualifications:5 Q, o* s0 D' c
7 I3 G* U& G& Q1 U; K
$ k9 g$ h9 J6 x; P! G% f
1.       Bachelor’s degree or above
: x% L8 O- i7 k: u/ H  w/ W: k
" x/ y, H. M# G2 {' t3 T
9 {. a  }: h+ w' ]+ q1 v2.       Fluent in English and Chinese both in written and verbal communication, with good knowledge of PC Microsoft Office application Software, Y: j- u- h% Q1 m  p9 }3 {

2 z0 t; {) J; W2 J3 \+ X; A7 v2 V$ d! {9 I& a+ p+ |6 i% \! U/ K
3.       Experience of working for the Red Cross/Red Crescent or NGO/INGO
1 ?- L5 z# h- X) k* L$ V; r# l1 w8 ^& B) @, m

- _0 [2 n) p5 Q7 l. f4.       Experience in events organising, producing publicity materials and video editing3 p: I- e, w2 `
) R2 ?- I& x+ W  ?- a

2 i" ?6 s# k) |, k, [' X# ~5.       Experience in journalism
. v3 ~* P/ N" z3 u. z* q) k, }' V1 Z
9 F7 r7 f2 o# p
The closing date is Oct 20, 2011, and the application letter and CV in English should be sent to: ifrc.communication@gmail.com$ K5 t- e" @: w9 ^0 k! ]. P
# ]) l5 s: Z8 p; [% g. p
. r5 `6 w& J+ q1 R" O1 \9 O/ \
; h' ~2 `: X5 f8 b2 {
# C; ~; N: p/ E% T% \2 {" E& B' d# ^0 I' h$ B9 W% F% v
' P; y4 L( D5 v3 c- {

0 A0 p7 }! h: m" _Organization: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, East Asia Regional Delegation
, Y( p* R: J1 I8 b7 M
$ s" h+ L1 ]3 `- {3 j* y% r! `4 _' w6 y, h9 k5 Z
Application Deadline: 2011-10 -10
$ f2 r. A, \: ?% U) l, e/ Q5 b4 ?0 T8 v
% ^0 h9 ^" U6 J1 V* F
Position: Health Officer
% m  H, N! X) r# k9 D
( P0 u9 C: q) S6 ~- f, t. R8 X( j2 {% v1 b
Reports to: Senior Health Officer6 j, F, |1 E' s+ i0 N6 h

% W1 c% s7 B9 Y7 F0 {
9 o6 K+ b3 a4 A9 x9 j& ?. y1 P; XLocation: Beijing
" Q. M* m) u) D0 ~& ^7 t
! @4 O: R% h% J. i, \& u6 {; ~- C' q. B4 ~0 b6 F/ R. S! h: N# u- X
Purpose and background of the position:
6 U4 t0 `; r6 t/ L# T! Q
5 j! ~& D2 k9 c+ {4 ?# T% p& Z7 H0 G+ Q
The main purpose of this position is to provide technical assistance and programme management support to health and care related programmes of the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC).
7 B/ m! N+ u% C2 ~7 M$ v1 y
! P& E" E$ b& X7 x8 d8 w% o1 w* `( P! \, I' T1 b
This will be achieved through providing guidance and technical support, mentoring and training of health professionals at the RCSC, and facilitating effective communication between the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (hereinafter referred as ‘Federation’), RCSC and its provincial Red Cross branches.
2 s# A6 Z5 k3 u) N
4 J' X2 m# G/ m' _. l1 }1 q0 Z
% `9 ^0 r* o5 aDuties Applicable to All   G* N; b, v3 E) ^. X9 E
, |5 L" V  ~. [3 m1 s* |& z' s

  P- z  s' M4 j1)      Work towards the achievement of the Federation’s goals in the country/region through effective managerial and lateral relations and teamwork.; g$ k* l3 D- G
  F' R( F, V3 ^" Z; \" y

: V$ R; z; q% @0 p- h2)      Ensure understanding of roles, responsibilities, lateral relationships and accountabilities.
3 h9 o$ @6 S* d" ]* z
+ l/ x% W% h7 Q7 G0 k& K& j- o: o
/ P  O, d( }6 v7 o( l  W! |# c3)      Perform other work related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the supervisor.: ^* v/ Z0 R( K- G& g

' p+ z" X* p6 P8 N% f- |9 g0 E/ [# }8 [! f8 w) C0 K5 E/ p, y+ h
Specific Duties, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
- x( I7 M. l  \+ v* c( e5 y( m. C" v8 ^1 g( m- q* p+ Z& o. z* P; a
, Q2 v) g0 F  n% T0 Y1 `; E! K1 j: {
Tasks and duties include, but are not limited to the following: 2 W2 ?# c6 d% o

6 V! |7 W$ S7 U5 {
0 s: ]# o8 E2 @2 X1)      Contribute to capacity building of RCSC’ Health and Relief Department, so that it is able to provide quality leadership, coordination and technical support to their provincial branches in health programme management including planning, implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation, thereby building the capacities of those RCSC provincial branches, so they are able to deliver and sustain effective and quality health interventions at the community level.
  j* s/ H, N4 e- Y( L1 W" V# I4 m
0 h0 h5 T9 ?# M2 f" e
2)      Under the guidance of the Senior Health Officer, provide technical and programme management support to specific RCSC’ health programmes that are supported by the Federation. Provide administrative assistance to these programmes, as requested by the supervisor.6 o9 N+ h/ r% u5 o  C% ]2 B( e

& E# a  _0 u% Z2 b: @* _2 @
  _8 t$ @; l+ j3 j  ]# h3)      Under the guidance of the Senior Health Officer, facilitate the effective communication and technical support by the Federation health experts (zonal and global health units) to the Red Cross health programmes in China and coordinate preparations for their technical visits to the RCSC.. }& _" i/ U5 ~# k
* Z6 u6 K/ g1 O8 ^8 m% ]

/ y  i) V+ f' {9 p  [4)      Ensure timely completion and submission to the Federation of regular programmatic narrative and financial reports by the RCSC for their specific health programmes that are supported by the Federation.
9 m/ {# d1 W9 {, ~# z
* H2 v! ^( I4 k+ l1 r1 ^3 m* C3 R2 B" [3 P
5)      Conduct regular monitoring visits to the implementation sites of Federation-supported RCSC health programmes and provide regular updates to the partners and donors on the project’s progress. $ d8 `3 U" Y5 P8 L9 f+ k
* E! }: \3 O* G0 b
( X5 f& j9 s; {* W3 R' Q  T3 e
6)      Contribute to preparation of project plans, programme updates and budgets for health components of Federation’s China Support plans. Provide inputs and support in developing donor–specific thematic funding proposals in health, as required.
1 w- U. a/ z1 b+ G- a. X* L2 c' O/ Y: M. P" c2 h

' ^+ O. F. u: z$ T: |7)      Promote greater inclusion of people living with HIV and key populations at higher risk in planning and implementation of the HIV Programme of the RCSC. Encourage National Society and community awareness of gender issues and promote gender sensitized programming at all levels of programme development and implementation.* q, J! P0 W2 R% o

) C* Q+ j9 w2 B5 v+ s# `3 S3 D
4 g+ D# ^4 L3 c7 R* p+ t8)      Develop close professional contact and partnerships where appropriate with specialists from governments, international and civil society organizations in China.  O* F( f, H; F, r

3 G. H. r% K$ x+ r$ U. e0 C0 H% M1 |9 _% p1 w2 w# Z7 y
9)      Compile and share with the RCSC relevant new technical resources, best practices and tools from Federation and other organizations in the above technical areas, support the National Society in adapting those tools and resources to their country and programmatic context, where requested.1 I) P$ M" U" I" t

: j9 F  S4 J3 c% J+ x$ A, X( C, v- @- e8 [& l( N
10)   Work closely with other technical units and programmes of the Regional Delegation in adapting and integrating community based approaches to China’s context.
2 m- z$ A7 f7 g: q# M; ~3 g" E
. r9 B6 ^. F$ u# T, ^/ l
5 ^; p/ E7 L( O( u11)   Help the RCSC to present their experiences and lessons learned at regional and international health related conferences, thus contributing to the profiling of RC/RC work in the above technical areas; represent the Federation at relevant regional and national meetings, as directed by the supervisor./ m2 s7 Z2 b2 Y. j( V* d% |
# h( `4 l7 z+ b% X: N1 i% j
- W0 T6 Z2 K; Q* Z3 U* l
12)   Support the East Asia regional health programme in specific tasks and projects as requested by the supervisor, such as organizing regional annual health meeting, regional and zonal workshops, meetings, campaigns and other time bound activities.8 P' l2 l1 J  p& s

+ q5 b. \9 e8 C  q+ a1 g6 p* r  J; j5 k( ?) t3 ^
13)   Provide oral and written translation (Chinese – English and English – Chinese), as required. # a" a8 ~8 _$ t3 M: \, Y2 B

) J$ j5 x3 D- @' b
+ N; k- o5 }! W1 _, }1 H9 s14)   Participate in Federation’s response to major disasters in East Asia, as required.
8 E9 R7 F9 M& ^6 X+ S2 c7 X% Q6 w  g0 Z; S% \7 [4 v+ f. r* r
; b! \, E3 C' i1 j2 K7 l
Lateral Relationships:
7 T; L+ Y4 d2 m: V: t
9 e, W. j- E4 v7 ~& L& R, q5 G( A  s! I' U9 x, u2 ~
1)      Establish and ensure effective working relationships with the other delegates and key stakeholders at all levels.
( p" u3 Q# c# o; f( W  g' U, l5 ~; G: z1 O' s0 E& ]

. m8 Z; _3 b! L2 E2)      Ensure effective working relationships with national society counterparts and leadership.
( u/ `( T  b8 |' i2 }8 t/ {' l* @
" w: ?* r+ ]$ k7 c3 t/ |4 C
' b& l4 ^) ]5 y: @0 Y! |Ensure effective working relationships with technical and service departments at regional and Geneva Secretariat levels.
8 z! A' O) r! S+ B- w: C0 B9 W( a9 `: b

9 A. p: `: h& V$ e/ h8 ^Specification : 2 j9 Q. z7 o: Z6 ?2 w

! Y4 \! R% y( }! l- P' O4 n+ f
, V! G" @* o! b6 m. _9 G" |# q·  In good mental & physical health4 d+ b0 b3 ?- Y7 j; p  a

3 N! P7 g9 F( g
/ [( G2 P8 G4 W5 N- m' wQualifications:& Q( A* t  N" b: i2 Y) }' F

' P  I" ^* G$ C2 e0 E8 X2 L6 E
4 b' M0 `3 d4 h; H+ G! \8 l) g·  University degree (required), U. m. }9 z- J
" `& J1 Q- r' |# u# p2 U
( e8 H( l8 Q: H+ B: V4 [/ Z
·  Professional qualification as a health or social work practitioner (required)5 _# X- K7 j" `1 f( D+ z! M$ B7 A! A

, L; N3 S+ D, ]( o! d# k2 }# O" N  v8 s- T' `0 G- U
·  Further qualification in public health, social work, development (preferred)
" G0 M+ g+ G  l2 ?  `; F- \( {/ a6 @- X+ r/ p& i6 x
3 ~, P2 f& P0 Z" @/ o
Experience :
4 H, x6 H# x$ O7 v* o8 @
3 ]2 D' R; L. _3 g
0 _: v, s0 w- f( ]% o; P·  Experience of working for the Red Cross/Red Crescent (preferred)
" b  o8 C4 J0 h, Y/ l) f
* B5 i$ b2 B. L  V# y8 X6 ~
2 L0 v: `. s7 V2 C·  Minimum of 3 years of working experience in community based health, social services programmes (required)
+ o( }5 V' ~6 a, {# x3 Q  L) b3 ]4 [, c5 R

6 y5 b( }3 I1 X·  Experience in project planning, management, monitoring and evaluation (required)& q5 w1 ~3 t. a/ v, z8 T5 M

5 ?0 R2 S* ?: F& r0 N+ U( h- S! M, e7 N5 V( L
·  Experience in report-writing and financial management (preferred)* D: _2 A& G: z; K
) I# {6 _2 [$ i! X

' N% H3 g( Q# D·  Experience in curriculum development, adaptation and training, in participatory methodologies with beneficiaries and communities (preferred)! v% l& t  P% O# A, e0 n

( P* p' C/ Z3 S* O- S. r$ x' `
$ m1 [) i. f! `  |  U0 t# sSkills :
) b- E$ j& R7 D7 \$ w/ J" R: D5 ~  K7 E9 o+ H% K7 b

# m, `3 z  p. q) l·  Self-supporting in computers (Windows, spreadsheets, word-processing)
$ z: Q) |0 c/ X" E: Q, Z( ~. z
% }* b2 V  j1 y
- J- ^; p) \9 i4 x9 ?·  Fluent in English and Chinese
% L1 E5 R& O9 C" K+ S% q& E* \& u
9 w3 \$ x- g" f5 X* w! c+ h5 c. z% Y9 N% N/ r
·  Willing and able to travel frequently and extensively in the field
  G. e) P; j8 }- A% U. |! O6 h$ c
% L6 \9 X: ?, }  R' m7 j' G3 d7 [- U$ {3 L- F6 H, P
·  Good administrative and organizational skills
" c( w6 w0 d! h7 ~1 k5 B/ Q+ e" B! D8 z3 x1 U3 a$ S
# e( f4 w% I8 Z3 r( _
Core competencies - a high degree of competence in3 X8 G4 W4 B; t% y) e) K
5 i3 @) P( m0 u1 Y8 c1 e
- r; F1 u- h  M. g* t9 t: y
·  Teamwork
; W2 U3 r+ y) y( P+ a$ \  ]' W" M1 B8 k9 L& ]; }4 l7 g
% Y' D9 J8 U# p* V
·  Commitment to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement/ @1 ^# q# U0 E7 f
  ?" D3 D4 }+ B

/ L' P+ W! Y0 F5 R. C% r/ X·  National society relationship skills;
' A" f; ^6 h5 y& u4 z& w# o, Q$ e0 d  r) k1 W
: B0 l# Y, a" i
·  Integrity and personal conduct ; flexibility and adaptability ; interpersonal skills5 E  o/ h8 X+ K6 y- o& T7 |

, u+ f: I6 t; `- F0 L
' [( Z  T. W4 o( E: c·  Results focus and accountability.
" w  o# M5 s5 D
1 G4 V1 \" K& K) R  [2 l, z8 N, G! |. r0 M
The closing date is October 10, 2011, and the application letter and CV in English should be sent to:  ifrc.beijing@gmail.com
$ d3 i! y  x9 ~: k
: Q4 B4 Y' E' K6 g  F
; r3 \# T9 Z8 B8 N! d' ?: L- {7 O0 m
7 V+ s3 t. F( H* w 该贴已经同步到 草根渡的微博

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