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[时评] 希拉里退选演说

发表于 2009-3-17 22:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
希拉里·克林顿发表演说,宣布总统竞选失败。% J5 x+ U. X; m' E$ y& T/ _

9 U$ O' k6 t* d' }' g这是一篇极出色的演说,内容可圈可点,给人留下深刻印象。& h3 x- Z7 e7 K
, V0 o8 ]; ~9 [, {: V
% S6 R# d/ c/ A+ Y5 r
( _) N8 N: \/ X4 N但是实际情况是,她最后足足讲了30分钟,期间有几十次的掌声和欢呼,尽管是退出选举,但是仍然像一个胜利者一样。' m! V. E. f: b. ?& d: ^
她的有些话,说得真是很好,像下面这句“Please, don't go there”。看中文翻译不容易体会到,必须看英语原文现场视频
4 H! K6 Y: ^( U
  }: ~3 }0 W0 ^0 g* C0 s 7 T& h6 A& e+ m8 L- O: t+ o
- n0 C2 f- @, }' k( c
So I want to say to my supporters: When you hear people saying or think to yourself, "If only, or, "What if," I say, please, don't go there. : Y: W9 |9 E' K& Q7 q
0 n( g% E0 h; k0 i% X8 q2 z. q , R5 |% S' ^- Z! M/ s$ H) G( s8 `( J
Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward. Life is too short, time is too precious, and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been. We have to work together for what still can be. And that is why I will work my heart out to make sure that Senator Obama is our next president.
2 O/ [8 v& Z9 l为往事叹息,会阻碍我们前进。生命短暂,时间宝贵,沉湎于空想的代价实在太大。面对现实,我们必须团结起来。这就是我全力支持奥巴马参议员当选下一任总统的原因。+ y$ l, l$ F% [* ~7 U
8 M/ T2 E1 D+ V# B7 i0 O; N+ j( F
2 \/ L) r9 |. S" G$ c9 D   r. d' c* l6 V, Y6 N% L2 v
When we first started, people everywhere asked the same questions. Could a woman really serve as commander-in-chief? Well, I think we answered that one./ z% ]8 Z) _& G' Y: m; N8 ]
当选举刚开始的时候,到处都有人在问:一个女人真的能够领导国家吗?我想,我们已经对这个问题做出了回答。" l0 K1 c7 N, Z. J/ Y
' Y1 X, q9 t9 {% G1 j: G/ |

7 V7 J5 n6 N) P  ~As we gather here today in this historic, magnificent building, the 50th woman to leave this Earth is orbiting overhead. If we can blast 50 women into space, we will someday launch a woman into the White House.. W, F& l5 v9 z$ x1 A
当我们今天在这里集会的时候,第50位妇女正在我们的头顶,绕地球飞行。如果我们能够将50个妇女送入太空,那么总有一天,我们也会将一个妇女送入白宫。$ j0 \/ L- p8 i

( `" U# e$ P) G( W; k6 b+ E
' g1 ]! V& r2 i! @Although we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it's got about 18 million cracks in it...1 F/ {! ^% o5 W$ c0 i! K0 D9 s9 ?
虽然这一次,我们无法打破那最高、最坚硬的玻璃天花板,但是由于你们,它出现了1800万道裂缝……1 w6 u( D/ t' D$ j5 l1 i9 ]

$ Y  K) t7 S0 Q- { 4 b& I1 g3 u* p% K+ Q- K8 U( {2 Y
... and the light is shining through like never before, filling us all with the hope and the sure knowledge that the path will be a little easier next time.
+ e: J4 U! ~- k+ \6 @光明从未像现在这样明亮,让我们充满希望,确信下一次这条道路将变得更容易一些。
- {4 F1 s& }: U, K) @% q希拉里对奥巴马赞美之词,简直无以复加。谁能想到几个星期前,两人还在互相攻击。希拉里对着电视公开说“Shame on you, Barack Obama”。不能不让人感叹政治家的灵活。 & V$ J% C5 Y" u0 ^

8 T7 m# c$ O4 i & u( Y9 ]2 P1 c  |
The way to continue our fight now, to accomplish the goals for which we stand is to take our energy, our passion, our strength, and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama, the next president of the United States. + R! w" ]# E) T' ]6 ]
我们的战斗还将继续,我们的目标还没有完成,让我们继续用我们的能力、我们的热情、我们的力量、我们能做的一切,帮助巴拉克·奥巴马,让他成为美国的下一任总统。! g% k- U2 \. n  Q; Y; C' Z
- F6 _3 u8 f" l) s7 @
* j3 D' Z) D$ {8 ^
Today, as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run. I endorse him and throw my full support behind him. . T9 a- K0 a# w" X! p
今天,当我停止自己的竞选活动,我向他祝贺胜利,为他的优异表现喝彩。我完全支持他,我将尽全力支持他。5 l, O; T! z5 j* k& X
2 y+ n6 h! B6 \' I+ e- s  T8 Q. Z& O, F(掌声)
$ B3 U( t4 M1 C8 G! l( G ! w# x4 w( c7 q4 v: r$ u- W; q

/ `( H. a- E% z: P# IAnd I ask all of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me. 6 C5 y- I8 a# i/ s& ]8 j% Z* Q
+ k$ J8 ]5 X/ e( I8 O0 y/ G/ r0 F(APPLAUSE)8 B: B+ T: k8 v% l9 V
(掌声); ^' \; E4 i. V0 M
" B3 ]1 Q8 y1 H: N4 J2 c% S/ q" G& n& F
/ n8 G! E5 h% f: z: f
I have stood on the stage and gone toe-to-toe with him in 22 debates. I've had a front-row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit.
! W* |$ b6 @1 F  j. E我在竞选中,曾经同他面对面辩论了22次。我对他很了解,我亲眼看到了他的力量和决心,他的优雅和勇气。8 w' K8 [7 o$ p. d4 t, r

# i7 }6 _" z# t6 g : d# |- w3 K9 L6 y3 e
# v2 n; f0 g, U5 ANow, being human, we are imperfect. That's why we need each other, to catch each other when we falter, to encourage each other when we lose heart. Some may lead, some may follow, but none of us can go it alone.
6 c: |- e( ?) C. ^: X7 |1 I作为人类,我们没有人是完美无缺的。这就是为什么我们彼此需要。当跌倒的时候,我们彼此扶持。当灰心的时候,我们互相鼓励。一些人会成为领导者,另一些人将紧紧跟随,但是没有人能够独自完成这一切。2 ]! _! ?6 {  j$ o+ x
$ g# e% u8 _7 G
" i# D/ S; i1 {3 `6 [
My Comments:; p# i6 V4 z3 e% D8 {5 k- {
  s% Y1 s$ x1 I# G+ m! ]; k
, f$ A2 N7 ^( P+ y6 R' x6 m    一个女人竟然可以把想做的事情演绎得如此鼎盛,让输了也像赢了一样。9 B; t8 j6 V7 t

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